The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a levy which the Council charges on many new developments.  The money raised helps to pay for the infrastructure needed across the city as a result of developments such as schools, strategic greenspace, flood defences, and strategic transport improvements. 

The Adopted Charging Schedule can be downloaded from the Documents section of this page, along with the Residential and Commercial Charging Zones Map, Examiner’s Report, Adopted Regulation 123 List and the Instalments Policy. 

A Developers Guide is in the Documents section of this page explaining in more detail how the CIL process works, such as what CIL information is needed to be submitted with planning applications and before commencement. It contains links to the Planning Portal CIL page which provides links to the relevant forms to be submitted before you commence your development. A wide range of ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ can also be viewed in the Documents section.

The CIL is charged per square metre on many new buildings, based on their use and location.   The charges are based on viability and have been approved by an independent Examiner and by Full Council. The Council has to ensure that there is an appropriate balance between the rates being high enough to help fund infrastructure, and not harming the economic viability of development as a whole across Newcastle. 

Section 106 Agreements continue to cover on-site measures that are needed to make a specific development acceptable, such as access works, drainage management, and greenspace. Provision of affordable housing also continues as previously. A Supplementary Planning Document has been adopted by the City which identifies what will be expected to be secured through planning obligations and is available in the Documents section. 

The Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2020 came into force on the 1st September 2020. CIL charges remain the same for developments in the use classes affected by these changes. This includes: Small Retail Units under 280sqm (changing from A1 to E or F2 if mostly selling essential goods, including food and at least 1km from another similar shop), Supermarkets over 280sqm (changing from A1 to E), and Retail Warehousing over 280sqm (changing from A1 to E). Changes to the Use Classes within the ‘All Other Developments’ category remain chargeable at £0. The remaining CIL chargeable development categories are unaffected by the recent Use Classes Order changes. 

Spending the CIL

The funds generated are spent in compliance with the CIL Regulations (Regulation 59) (external link) and in accordance with City Council’s Regulation 123 list of strategic infrastructure.Up to 5% of the levy receipts can be spent on administering and enforcing the levy and are allocated for such purposes. 


We have started to receive the Parish’s portion of the above payments from Newcastle City Council. These charges were levied by Newcastle City Council on the developers of the new housing estates being built in the Parish. They are not released until certain previously agreed numbers of houses are actually built.

A Section 106 is a legal agreement between a developer seeking planning permission and the local planning authority, which is used to mitigate the impact of their new housing on the local community and infrastructure.

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a new levy that local authorities can charge on developments in their area to ensure facilities and services in the area have capacity to keep up with new homes and to enable further sustainable growth.

The funding can only be spent on infrastructure improvements.

We would welcome suggestions from the community, to enable a list to be drawn up of projects to spend this money on, to improve the parish and local area.

Woolsington Parish Council CIL Annual Reports - 2020

Woolsington Parish Council CIL Annual Reports - 2021

Woolsington Parish Council CIL Annual Reports - 2022

Woolsington Parish Council CIL Annual Reports - 2023